
Mabel Simms, and her sister Ada Parsons, owned a 105.9 acre tract ofland located in Marshall County in 1946. Together they owned. Ph.D., Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, 2018 - 2020 M.Sc., Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 2015 - 2018 B.Eng. (Hons), Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, 2011 - 2015 I completed my Ph.D. In Computer and Information Science at University of Pennsylvania advised by Prof. Chenfanfu Jiang, and currently work as.

Minchen Li 李旻辰

Ph.D., Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, 2018 - 2020
M.Sc., Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 2015 - 2018
B.Eng. (Hons), Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, 2011 - 2015


I completed my Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science at University of Pennsylvania advised by Prof. Chenfanfu Jiang, and currently work as a postdoc in the same group. My research interests include numerical optimization and differentiable simulation for computational physics, computer graphics, and robotics. I am a winner of 2020 Adobe Research Fellowship.

Minchen Zheng

My Ph.D. dissertation is focused on Robust and Accurate Simulation of Elastodynamics and Contact, featuring optimization time integrators for elastodynamics (DOT, HOT), anisotropic elasticity for fracture simulation (AnisoMPM), finite element variational contact (IPC, C-IPC), hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian topology optimization (LETO), etc. I had 4 wonderful internships at Adobe Research, working with Dr. Danny Kaufman, Dr. Timothy Langlois, and Dr. Vladimir (Vova) Kim on C-IPC, IPC, DOT, and surface cutting and parameterization (OptCuts).

Minchenkov Igor

During my M.Sc., I worked with Prof. Alla Sheffer on garment design optimization (FoldSketch), OptCuts, etc. I was also very lucky to collaborate with Dr. Xinxin Zhang and Prof. Robert Bridson on smoke simulation.