I am looking for software for an old computer of my father's. He has MS Works and uses word documents. He has lots of files and would like to continue using Works but a new laptop he purchased does not open.wps files. Will LibreOffice works for him? I am looking for software for an old computer of my father's. He has MS Works and uses word documents. He has lots of files and would like to continue using Works but a new laptop he purchased does not open.wps files. Much better compatibility with MS Office? Do you know that there isn't any office suite that can be compatible with Microsoft Office, even MS Office themselves? Do you know that MS Office has so many different versions, and each version has its ow. LibreOffice is an office suite that was born as a result of the purchase of OpenOffice by Oracle. This suite is completely free and open source, and seeks to bring users all (or most) of the functions of the Microsoft suite completely free of charge.
Wps Office Libreoffice
Windows 10 S Mode is supposed to add an extra security layer to a device running Microsoft’s latest operating system, as it restricts the installation of new software to apps published in the Microsoft Store.
The Redmond-based software giant says apps published here are fully secure, and the risk of malware and other cyberthreats does not exist because each item is individually checked before it’s published.
In theory, this is the right approach, but the problem is that the Microsoft Store comes with limited options in terms of software and some very popular applications are still missing, while they continue to be available as Win32.
However, Microsoft has insisted for Windows 10 in S Mode, so there are several devices out there that come with this mode enabled by default. The good news is that users can manually upgrade from the S Mode to full Windows 10, which technically means that they remove the restriction preventing them from installing Win32 software.
LibreOffice is one of the high-profile products that can’t be used on a device running Windows 10 in S Mode, as the open-source productivity suite isn’t available in the Microsoft Store.
So how can you run LibreOffice on a device that shipped with Windows 10 in S Mode? There are basically two options.
The first of them is to stick with Windows 10 in S Mode and instead of LibreOffice, install LibreOffice Vanilla from the Microsoft Store. This isn’t the original LibreOffice suite, and the setback is that it’s not available for free, so it’s without a doubt an inconvenient alternative for the majority of users.
However, The Document Foundation says this version “is made by one of our partners, and funds from the purchase price help to improve LibreOffice on Windows.” In other words, if you purchase this LibreOffice version from the Microsoft Store, part of the money should then be used for the main productivity suite.
The second option, which could come at no cost depending on your upgrade options, is to simply upgrade from Windows 10 S Mode to full Windows 10.
Doing this is actually the recommended choice if you want to enjoy all the benefits of full Windows 10, as removing the S Mode allows you to install not only LibreOffice, but pretty much any other Win32 application just like on a desktop computer.
What’s worth knowing, however, is that once you upgrade your device to full Windows you remove the extra protection layer that I told you about, so technically the device is then exposed to the traditional Win32 software security risks like all the other computers.
If you want to upgrade from Windows 10 in S Mode to full Windows 10, just follow this path:
Windows 10 > Settings > Update & Security > Activation > Switch to Windows 10 Home/Pro > Go to the Store > Get
Also, once you upgrade your device, going back to Windows 10 in S Mode is not possible. Microsoft explains:Open Office Vs Wps Office
“Windows 10 in S mode is designed for security and performance, exclusively running apps from the Microsoft Store. If you want to install an app that isn't available in the Microsoft Store, you'll need to switch out of S mode. Switching out of S mode is one-way. If you make the switch, you won't be able to go back to Windows 10 in S mode. There's no charge to switch out of S mode.”
Wps Vs Libreoffice
The method here works on any device running Windows 10 in S Mode regardless of manufacturing brand.